payment methods
We offer you the following payment methods. Simply choose the best payment method for you. The shipping costs are
partially dependent on the selected payment method.

If you don't have a PayPal account yet, you can purchase one here ( Paypal registration ) for free. For that you have to be there
verify your account. PayPal is a secure and anonymous payment method. No bank information is transmitted to us.
IMPORTANT: When paying with a PayPal account, the delivery address and billing address must be identical.
With your credit card via PayPal:
You pay easily and conveniently with your credit card via the PayPal online payment service:
• You order in our online shop
• In the course of your order you will be forwarded to the PayPal site and make the payment there. Payment via PayPal is free of charge for you.
• After receipt of payment, the goods will be sent to you.

A convenient payment by credit card is of course possible. In our online shop we accept the major credit cards VISA,
Master Card and Diners Club. Simply select "credit card payment" as the payment option during the ordering process.
For the payment process we need the following information: credit card company, card number, validity and check digit.
The check digit is a three-digit or four-digit number on the back of your credit card and offers you additional payment security.
The check number is not stored in our system and must therefore be entered with every order.
Maximum data protection
It is important to us to make credit card payments in our online shop as secure as possible for you. For this we use the
Common SSL encryption, which guarantees confidential handling of your data.

Apart from shipping costs, there are no further costs, provided that the lump sum for shipping exemption is included in the order total
not reach.
Additional costs may arise from third-party service providers, such as financial institutions.
If you decide to pay in advance, please transfer the total amount of your order to our account:
Sparkasse Krefeld
BLZ 320 500 00
Account no. 920 117 25
Swift BIC: SPKRDE 33
IBAN: DE27 3205 0000 0092 0117 25